the melbourne kid.
Goin' Places
Midlands Reserve Water Play
Doveton St North, Ballarat (across from Paling St)
Ballarat Water Playground 1 | Ballarat Water Playground 2 |
Ballarat Water Playground 3 | Ballarat Water Playground 4 |
Ballarat Water Playground 5 |
Midlands Water Play Facility
Opening Hours:
10am - 7.30pm through summer
Our story- well it was a 29 degree day (in Melbourne) so I made pancakes so the kids would eat quickly, I packed lunch, I cleaned the car so we could all have a happy drive down to Ballarat. We put the kids in their swimmers and drove for the hour it takes for us to get there from home. It turns out that the cool change arrived early in Ballarat, and it was only about 17 degrees, much too cold for a play. So we let Mr 2 press the button so he could see how it all works and then we turned our car around and drove back home. The lesson: check the Ballarat forecast before you head down, I'll make it easy for you, see below!
We will be back though, becuase it looks like a lot of fun, there are nearby shade sails (within supervising distance) and water comes from every where- the ground, the buckets, the butterfly and it's activated by a button that you press (Mr 3's favourite)
There are also toilets and a playground
To Ballarat
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