the melbourne kid.
Goin' Places
Hanging Rock
Nothing like some fresh air to clear the head!
139 S Rock Rd, Newham
If you’re looking to get out into some fresh air and get some exercise, then Hanging Rock can be a great little starter climb as there are paths and steps most of the way up. We took our little guys who were 3 and almost 2. We use an Ergo Performance Ventus when we know that Mr 2 won’t have the legs for our adventure. It wasn’t a difficult climb, and there were lots of different land marks to stop and look at along the way.
One of the features is the area at the information centre dedicated to the book and subsequent movie Picnic at Hanging Rock…. Rest assured the book was not based on a true story, so if you watch where you step, it reasonably safe to assume that you won’t disappear from thin air.

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