the melbourne kid.
Goin' Places
Its great in theory, but sometimes it doesn't go quite to plan. We have some great options for family friendly dining below, set out with the facilities that they have and reviews.
Some babies/toddlers and kids are great at a restaurant, but to some parents the idea of sitting out a restaurant and not knowing what to expect from your children is stressful enough to make you want to stay at home (and many a night of Thai takeaway has been had in my house for this very reason!) So here are some tips for what you can do to prepare so you can enjoy your meals
Bring more milk, food and nappies than you think you will need. Bring a change of clothes and additional wipes. What does your baby need to sleep? A swaddle or wrap, baby carrier, security toy or dummy? If your baby is too young for a high chair. is the restaurant pram friendly. Make sure you mention that you will be bringing a pram for your booking and most restaurants will accommodate. And you might need a change table- find out if the restarant you are planning on going to has a change table, if not, try to find somewhere nearby that might accomodate (a McDonalds, some libraries, shopping centres) and bring a change mat.
Don't do it. Only kidding! With toddlers I find that location is critical. Soft play areas, colouring books and crayons, a toilet at the venue if you're toilet training, a kids menu, or a place that is known as a family restaurant so you can be surrounded by diners that will understand if a toddler tantrum rears its head, are all great things to look for. BYO colouring books, additional food if you have a fussy eater, changes of clothes and comfort items.

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